Business answers you need right at your fingertips

Speciphic Ask is an AI-powered virtual assistant that delivers accurate answers exactly when and where needed

Find the Right Answer Faster Than Ever

Teams across your organization benefit from the AI answers delivered by Speciphic Ask, today’s most accurate AI virtual assistant. Trained on your own data, this solution finds the information you need to problem solve, eliminating slow and error-prone manual searches.

Speedy Identification

Using highly accurate AI models, you can locate the right answer faster than manually possible.

Accurate Assessment

With the information you’ve ID’ed, you can budget, assess progress, and analyze trends with pinpoint precision.

Consistent Assistance

Thanks to automation, you can ensure consistency across the enterprise whether monitoring processes and resources or creating new materials.

SpeciphicTMAsk Features


Report generation


Enterprise integrations


Meta data search

Role-based access

Full data security

Answers with documentation

Ask any business-related question on-demand and receive the correct answer with supporting evidence from Speciphic Ask.

Meta data search

For increased efficiency and discoverability, Speciphic Ask meta data search makes it easy to filter for the most relevant results in context.

Reading assistant

Work smarter, not harder by highlighting as much text as needed and letting Speciphic Ask summarize and organize the information, no matter how long

Large Language Model (LLM) choices

Speciphic Ask supports multiple LLMs, giving you the freedom to choose the one best suited for your performance goals.